Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Promoting Products & Modal Auxilliaries

Npm : 11210044
kelas: 4EA18

 Two for Tuesday
 Buy one pizza, get one free every Tuesday

Modal Auxiliaries
The verbs can, could, will, would, should, may, might, must, ought and shall are verbs which 'help' other verbs to express a meaning: it is important to realise that these "modal verbs" have no meaning by themselves. A modal verb such as would has several varying functions; it can be used, for example, to help verbs express ideas about the past, the present and the future. It is therefore wrong to simply believe that "would is the past of will": it is many other things.

1.    Will
            ·         Making presonal predictions
             I doubt if I will stay here much longer.
            ·         Talking about the present with certainly (making deductions)
             I’m sure you will understand that there is nothing the Department can do.
2.    Shall
Shall is a form of will, used mostly in the first person. Its use, however, is decreasing, and in any case in spoken English it would be contracted to "-ll" and be indistinguishable from will.
            ·         Making offers
             Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?
3.    Can & Could
           ·         Talking about ability
            Can you speak Japanese? (present)
            She could play the piano when she was five. (past)
           ·         Making request
            Could you speak up a bit please? (slightly more formal, polite or softer)
           ·         Asking permission
           Can I ask you a question?
4.    Must (examples here refer to British English, there is some variation in American English)
          ·         Must is often used to indicate 'personal' obligation; what you think you yourself or other people/things must do. If the obligation comes from outside (eg a rule or law), then have to is often (but not always) preferred:
           People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
5.    Would
           ·         As the past of will
           He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
6.    May
           ·         Talking about things that can happen in certain situations
            Each nurse may be responsible for up to twenty patients.
7.    Might
           ·         Saying that something was possible, but did not actually happen
           You saw me standing at the bust stop! You might have stopped and given me a lift!
Modal verbs are NEVER used with other auxiliary verbs such as do, does, did etc. The negative is formed simply by adding "not" after the verb; questions are formed by inversion of the verb and subject:
·         You should not do that.
·         Could you pick me up when I’ve finished?

source :


Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Elliptical Sentence

Elliptical sentences atau ellipsis adalah bentuk kalimat yang disederhanakan dengan cara menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu kalimat. Penggabungan itu dilakukan dengan cara menghilangkan salah satu unsur kalimat yang sama dari kalimat 1 dan kalimat 2.
Kalimat ellipsis ini bisa dibentuk jika:
* Kedua kalimat memiliki unsur kalimat yang sama. (Unsur kalimat; Subject, Predicate, Object/Complement)
* Kedua kalimat menggunakan tenses yang sama, dengan pola predikat yang sama. Bila tensesnya sama, tetapi pola predikatnya berbeda, kedua kalimat tidak bisa disederhanakan dengan pola ellipsis.
Contoh: He is at home. (P = to be)
I go home. (P = Verb)

Ada 3 bentuk kalimat ellipsis:
1. Positive Elliptics
2. Negative Elliptics
3. Opposite Elliptics

1. POSITIVE ELLIPTICS (too dan so)
Too dan so (=juga) digunakan jika kedua kalimat berbentuk positif.
Pola kalimatnya:



I am an artist. Maya is an artist.
- I am an artist and Maya is too.
- I am an artist and so is Maya

I like tea. Ronaldo likes tea.
- I like tea and Ronaldo is too.
- I like tea and so is Ronaldo.

Dora went to London. Emon went to London.
- Dora went to London and Emon did too.
- Dora went to London and so did Emon.

Rudi can speak Japanese. Susi can speak Japanese.
- Rudi can speak Japanese and Susi can too.
- Rudi can speak Japanese and so can Susi.

2. NEGATIVE ELLIPTICS (either dan neither)
Either dan neither (= juga tidak) digunakan jika kedua kalimat berbentuk negative.
Pola kalimatnya:



I am not an artist. Maya is not an artist.
- I am not an artist and Maya isn’t either.
- I am not an artist and neither is Maya.

I don’t like tea. Ronaldo doesn’t like tea.
- I don’t like tea and Ronaldo doesn’t either.
- I don’t like tea and neither does Ronaldo.

Dora didn’t go to London. Emon didn’t go to London.
- Dora didn’t go to London and Emon didn’t either.
- Dora didn’t go to London and neither did Emon.

Rudi cannot speak Japanese. Susi cannot speak Japanese.
- Rudi can’t speak Japanese and Susi can’t either.
- Rudi can’t speak Japanese and neither can Susi.

But (=tetapi) digunakan jika kedua kalimat bertentangan.
Pola kalimatnya:



I am an artist. Maya is not an artist.
- I am an artist but Maya is not.

I don’t like tea. Ronaldo like tea.
- I don’t like tea but Ronaldo does.

Dora went to London. Emon didn’t go to London.
- Dora went to London but Emon didn’t

Rudi cannot speak Japanese. Susi can speak Japanese.
- Rudi cannot speak Japanese but Susi can.